Content Creation
It is a tedious process to create images, blog posts, text and images for web pages
There are many factors when creating content whether it will reside on your website or if the content is for social media.
Creating this content can seem like a daunting task, with the amount of content that is recommended to post seeming so great and having to come up with new ideas constantly.
Our process involves creating content and topics around what you want to target, and then repurposing content to distribute across all channels. For example, having a blog post that was written being discussed in a video to post to youtube, and then editing that video to be formatted for Instagram TV as well.
Social Media Scheduling
Once the content is created, the job does not end, now you have to schedule this out across all of your social media accounts. Whether you are on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin Youtube, or the countless other channels, you need to be posting on a regular and consistent basis, this is not for fun (mostly) this is to attract visitors to your site or to buy your product. This all needs to happen every week, if not multiple times a day. It can be daunting to do this all by yourself.
Business owners often times see this as an extraneous practice that is not something “extra” to their normal business lives, but in this day and age it has to be thought of as a necessary component of the business, just like any marketing, this is another component of the business, like accounting and human resources.
Let us help you tap in to your creative potential, create the content using your own words and perspectives, and also schedule out this content. Even if we work with you for a month or on a consulting basis, we can lead you in the right direction. Once you realize how large this task is you may want even more help! Especially when you see the results and get the feedback from clients, potential and otherwise.